We can’t take a bottle of water on the aircraft, but we can take this?

By | August 16, 2006

With the United Kingdom now once again allowing laptops on aircraft, but the entire world banning liquids, we tend to question the decisions of the TSA and related organizations in their prohibited items list

Dell’s Battery Recall has brought to mind the danger of bring laptops on board. Battery issues are not limited to Dell’s however. This is what could happen should your battery catch fire, courtesy of Boingboing.net.

Obviously there is the potential for liquid explosives. Terrorists are clearly creative people. But we forget so easily that anything can be a weapon. The experts are jokingly predicting that soon we’ll be travelling naked. Perhaps we are not so far off from being stapped down and sedated for the duration of flight, or stripped naked and given hospital gowns to travel in.

There is reasonable security. But sometimes it seems as if the TSA’s methods lack definable and consistent logic.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.